On Sunday, October 18th, from 10-11:15 am (GMT / UTC+02:00 hours), by hook or by crook Alexandra will be live again on ZOOM with the topic: Accusative, dative – how do I know?
Join me again and feel free to send questions ahead of time to Alexandra
(mailto:a.vonrohr@treffpunkt-online.com ) I will quote them during the lesson.
Some general information about the course format:
The session is designed that it can be followed by learners of all levels of German. The set up of the lessons is roughly:
- We test our functions on Zoom
- Alexandra introduces herself
- Start of the lesson with explanations followed by examples and exercises. In the excercises you can be a passive listener or participate actively
- Time to ask questions
Save the date + the correct zoom link:
Day: Sunday, October 18th, 2020
Time: 10:00-11:15 am (GMT / UTC+02:00 hours)
Topic: Accusative, dative – how do I know?
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84183898556
Problems? Call +49 951 204404 (Joachim)
If you want to take part in future taster sessions and want to be informed in good time, subscribe to our mailing list. We will send you a personal invitation before each free session. You can of course also take part spontaneously.
If you have not downloaded the Zoom app yet, click here to do so https://www.zoom.us/download If you need help with zoom, watch this video here or contact us.
Then click on this zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84183898556 before the lesson starts.
If you use your smart phone dial in and pick your right number here.
Please note that the session time correspond to the time zone GMT / UTC+02:00hours (summer time in Germany).
Please note that the summer time will end and change to winter time October 25th, thus to the time zone GMT/UTC+01:00hour.

Ready to rock your German via Skype?
Future grammar sessions will be on the following topics:
- alternating prepositions – Wechselpräpositionen
- adjective declination – Adjektivdeklination
- comparative – Komparativ
- subjunctive – Konjunktiv II
For more topics and even more tips, please subscribe to our newsletter: Learn German Online News