DenkMAL – series VI | 1.Chancellor | Konrad Adenauer

We will go on! Fifth live interview with the contemporary German artist Ralf Metzenmacher. Let’s chat and find out about his series DenkMAL. This time a portrait of the 1. Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Konrad Adenauer.

Join in on zoom!

Date: THURSDAY, July 16th 2020

Time:  9:00-9:20pm (21:00-21:20) [= GMT/UTC +2:00] plus 10 minutes live discussion with the artist

Join meeting:

This event is for all learners and lovers of the German language, friends of the language institute TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE in Bamberg and for all of you who want to hear more about art in Germany and distinctive German personalities.

Our project objective is to enrich you and your Germany by providing intriguing topics related to Germany and the chance to start conversing live with the artist at the end of the interview.

A cooperation of Sprachinstitut TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE: and the artist Ralf Metzenmacher:

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